
in memory of

Minnie Otilia Swanson

Aug 26, 1880 - Feb 01, 1963 Age: 82

Minnie Swanson
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About Minnie Swanson

What I have on my Great Grandparents Andrew Konrad Swanson and Minnie Otilia Slattengren: Swedish (Sverige), Birth Records, 1880-1920 Name: Anders Conrad, Gender: Man (Male), Birthdate: 28 Jan 1868, Birth Place: Vist, Ostergotland, Sverige (Sweden), Father: Sven Johan Nilson, Mother: Brita Lena Johansdotter. Sweden, Household Examination Books, 1880-1930 1873-1880, Anders Conrad was living in Slaka, Ostergotland, Sweden with his parents Sven Johan Conrad Nilsson and Brita Helena Johansdotter, and his siblings Carl Johan, Frans Albert, Hulda Helena, Axel Viktor, Maria Sofia, and Ernst Filip. His Birthdate is given as 28 Jan 1868, Birth Place as Vist, and his relationship to the head of the household is son. Sweden, Household Examination Books, 1880-1930 1875-1880, Anders Conrad was living in Linkoping, Ostergotland, Sweden with his parents Sven Johan Conrad Nilsson and Brita Lena Johansdotter, and his siblings Carl Johan, Frans Alber, Anna Matilda, Hulda Helena, Axel Victor, Maria Sofia, and Ernst Filip. His Birthdate is given as 28 Jan 1868, Birth Place as Vist, and his relationship to the head of the household is son. Sweden, Household Examination Books, 1881-1893 Early 1882, Anders Conrad was living in Slaka, Ostergotland, Sverige (Sweden) with his parents Johan Conrad Nilsson 42 and Brita Helena Johansdotter 38 and his siblings Carl Johan 15, Frans Albert 11, Hulda Helena 8, Axel Viktor 5, Maria Sofia 3, and Ernst Filip 1. He is age 13. Sweden, Household Examinations Books, 1881-1893 Late 1882, Anders Conrad was living in Slaka, Ostergotland, Sverige (Sweden) with his parents Johan Conrad Nilsson 42 and Brita Helena Johansdotter 38 and his siblings Frans Albert 11, Hulda Helena 8, Axel Viktor 5, Maria Sofia 3, Ernst Filip 1, and Sofia Elisabeth newborn. He is age 13. I do wonder if we have the wrong year of birth for Andrew. All early Swedish records gave his year of birth as 1868, anything giving his age or year of birth in American it was always 1869 or 1870 - I would think his childhood records would be more apt to be correct. 1885 Iowa State Census Minnie was living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA with her parents John A. and Tillie H. Slattengren, and her brother Harry 2, she was age 4. Andrew came to the United States in either 1889 (per the 1900 Lucas County census) or 1899 (per his obituary). He does not appear in the 1895 Lucas County census which could mean that the date from his obituary is correct, except for the below information that comes from Andrew's original Naturalization first paper which we have. "State of Iowa, Lucas County Before the undersigned, Clerk of the District Court in and for said County, personally appeared 'Andrew Swanson' a native of 'Sweden', and makes solemn oath that it is bona fide his intention to become a CITIZEN OF THE UNITED STATES; and to renounce and abjure forever, all allegiance and fidelity to every foreign Power, Prince, Potentate, State of Sovereignty whatever, and particularly allegiance to 'Oscar II King of Sweden', of whom he was heretofore a subject. Signed 'Andrew Swanson (his signature)' Sworn to and subscribed before me, by 'Andrew Swanson (his signature)' this 19 day of June A.D. 1891. 'O.E. Payne' Clerk. I 'O.E. Payne' Clerk of the District Court in and for said County, (a Court of Record, using a Seal and having Common Law jurisdiction, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a correct copy of the Record, as appears on file in my office. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Chariton in said County, this 19 day of June 1891 'O.E. Payne' Clerk." From these papers we can be reasonably certain that his date of arrival in the United States was the date given in the census of 1889. We also have Andrew's actual U.S. Citizenship papers from the District Court of Wapello County, Iowa, dated 05 Nov 1894 giving him U.S. Citizenship; his Certificate of Naturalization for when the family lived in Canada that gave him British Citizenship dated 04 Sep 1911; his marriage license to Minnie Slattengren from Lucas County, Iowa dated 02 Jul 1903; and a copy of the auction notice from when the family sold their farm in Erskine, Alberta Canada. 1895 Iowa State Census Minnie was living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA (actual documents not available so cannot state who was in household), her age was 14, her birthplace Lucas Co., and her race white. 1900 US Federal Census Andrew was living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA, he was single and had immigrated to the US in 1889, he was a naturalized citizen, his occupation was listed as farmer; he could read, write, and speak English, he owned a farm that was free of mortgage, and both of his parents had been born in Sweden. Minnie was living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA with her father John A. Slattengren and siblings: Harry 17, Alvada 15, Albert 6 & Nellie 4; she could read, write, and speak English, her age was 19, her birth place Iowa, her parents were both born in Sweden. Iowa, Marriage Records, 1880-1847 - County of Lucas Date of License: 02 Jul 1903, Groom: Andrew K. Swanson, Residence: Chariton, IA, Occupation: farmer, Age: 34, Color: white, No. of Groom's marriage: 1st, Groom's Place of Birth: Sweden, Groom's father's name: Swan John Nelson, Groom's mother's maiden name: Helena Johnson, Bride: Minnie Slattengren, Residence: Chariton, IA, Age: 23, Color: white, No. of bride's marriages: 1st, Bride's Place of Birth: Chariton, IA, Bride's father's name: John Slattengren, Bride's mother's name: Joanna Sandahl, Where and when married: Chariton July 2, 1903, Witnesses: John G. & Freda Larson, By whom married: J. P. Book, When registered: 23 Jul 1903. In 1907, shortly after the birth of his son Virgil, Andrew moved his family to Alberta, Canada. Andrew, like many others at the time, was looking for land that could be purchased in large acreages for cheap prices. Large areas of Canada were opening for homesteading at this time and the Swanson's joined several others from Chariton in their journey north. From the Chariton Harold, 3-21-1907 Edition: "A.K. Swanson, of Lincoln township, left today for Erskine, Alberta, Canada, where he had a farm, and will make his future home. Mrs. Swanson will follow in July. Their many friends greatly regret their removal from this county." From the Chariton Harold, 7-11-1907 Edition: "Mrs. Andrew Swanson, of Lincoln township, who with her sister, Nellie Slattengren, left yesternoon for Erskine, Canada, where the family will reside in the future, was given a pleasant surprise last Saturday evening at the home of Sam Sandahl by her neighbors and friends. An elegant supper was served and some time was spent in social converse. Mrs. Swanson was presented with a black silk waist and her sister was given a sum of money as parting tokens from their friends. While regretting their departure all will wish them happiness and prosperity in their new home." Andrew sent the following letter home from Canada to his friends in Iowa, it was published in the local paper: "The Last West. Erskine, Alta, Alberta, Canada, 12-9-1908. Editor Harold: Please grant me space to keep a promise to several friends, who wished me to tell them through the Herald of Alberta, often termed "the last west" after I had formed an opinion of the country. I have waited until I have raised two crops and am, therefore, able to speak with more confidence. Six or seven years ago the best land here sold at $3 to $3.50, but now prices range from $9 to $16 per acres, more close to town and with improvements. At that time the country was wild, deserted by the Indians and also by the buffalo, which a few years earlier abounded, as evidenced by the deep trails everywhere, centering at the best watering pieces. Their horns, teeth and large bones still cover the prairies. When I first came to this country [Andrew appears to have emigrated from Sweden to Canada and then on down to the US in 1889], seven years ago, only the prairie hen and the coyote, the barking prairie wold, were dwellers. Now we have railways, towns, good roads, schools, churches, a good class of citizens and most of the marks of well developed older countries. In some parts, especially those more remote from towns and railways, there are but few settlers and these have fenced and broken but little. In most parts as about Erskine and our next town, Stettler, this past three years have witnessed a great transition from a wild to a well settled country. For the past few weeks the roads have been thronged with loads of golden grain going to market in such quantities that the Canadian Pacific Railway could not provide sufficient cars to move the crop. Two of our elevators are said to contain a hundred thousand bushels and cars are urgently awaited. The spring was earlier this year than last, so that a large acreage was sown in good time to mature, with the favorable weather which followed. As in other countries, soil, season, quality of farming etc., cause widely varying results, but I think it a conservative estimate to place the average yield with fairly good farming at thirty bushels of wheat, oats sixty-five, barley forty-five and other small grains in proportion. I suppose all your readers know that we are too far north to raise the slowly maturing corn. Few countries equal and none excel Alberta in raising great crops of roots such as potatoes, turnips, carrots, parsnips, rutabagas and all garden vegetables, though tomatoes seldom ripen before the light autumn frosts. For a new country there is a fair market at tolerable prices though not so good as you enjoy. Alberta ranks second to no country as a cattle and dairying country and cattle thrive from one years end to another on wild grass and prairie hay, with no grain. Hogs do well and are absolutely free from disease but require considerable grain, especially in the winter. Native horses do well and command good prices, but horses from a lower altitude and warm clime seem to require about two years to become acclimated. Our altitude is about 2500 feet, perhaps two or three times that of Lucas County. Here the health is good and climate very temperate for a land so far north, perhaps as mild as South Dakota with less wind. My health and that of Mrs. Swanson and her sister Nellie are uniformly good, better than when in Iowa. Yesterday I attended the sale of a former citizen of Lucas County; O.E. Payne, who in the early 90's was Clerk of the Courts, He returns to identify himself with the work of the company of which for many years he has been a member. He still owns his Alberta real estate. This is a sort of Lucas County colony. Among the most useful of our citizens are such as A.L. Whitten, Lewis A Shular, who with his brother, Vint, is conducting a large general store in Erskine, G.C. Bergman is our leading real estate man and his brother A.N. conducts a lumber yard. A few items along other lines may not be uninteresting. Lakes abound in Alberta and geese and ducks make this a hunters paradise. Buffalo Lake is ten miles to the north and one of the most charming sheets of water twelve miles long by 22 miles wide, teems with fish which are taken in great numbers in both summer and winter. In the longest summer days, the sun rises almost exactly in the northeast and sets after about seventeen hours in the northwest. Besides these long periods of grain-ripening sunshine, one can see to read an hour before sunrise and after sunset. The sun is so little below the horizon that by June 15 one can tell the hour of the night by looking to the north and following the course of the sun which gives the appearance of twilight along the horizon from west to east, as if in Iowa it had set 45 to 0 minutes before, so light is it even at midnight. On the other hand toward the end of December, the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest. At this time the sun appears no higher from the southern horizon at noon than does a summer sun in Iowa, two hours after it has risen in the east. The "northern lights" or Aurora borealis is common in the fall and winter, and its grandeur and beauty are sometimes indescribable. The north star, instead of being at an angle of some 45 degrees as there, is high over our heads here, perhaps 60 degrees. If this may be found worth space in your columns, I may afflict you at some future time. The Herald's visits are regular and most welcome. Yours truly, A.K. Swanson" From the above written letter, it appears that Andrew Swanson was a well-educated man with a strong knowledge of the English language. 1911 Census of Canada Andrew and Minnie were living in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada with their son Virgil 4, Andrew's tribe was Swedish, his nationality was American, his Birthdate was given as Jan 1870, his Birth Place Sweden, he had immigrated there in 1907, his religion given as 'Disciple', his occupation as farmer (employee); Minnie's immigration year was 1907, her tribe was Swedish and her nationality American, her religion was given as 'Disciple', she could read, write, and speak English. 1916 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta Andrew and Minnie were living in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada with their son Virgil 9, Andrew was a Canadian citizen naturalized in 1909, his occupation was farmer - working on his own account, his tribe was Swedish, his nationality Canadian, his birth year is given as 1870, he could speak English, he could not speak French, and his religion is listed as Christian; Minnie's tribe was Swedish, her nationality was Canadian, her religion is Christian, she is a naturalized citizen who can read, write and speak English, but cannot speak French. Andrew and Minnie's reasons for returning to Lucas County in 1917 are uncertain but may have had something to do with Andrew's being in poor health. Border Crossings: From Canada to US, 1895-1956 List or Manifest of Alien Passengers Applying for Admission Andrew Konrad Swanson, male, married, Occ: farmer, Scandinavian, 47, Birthdate: 1870, Birth Country: Sweden, Last Permanent Address: Erskine, Alberta, Arrival Date: Nov 1917, Port of Arrival: Portal, North Dakota, Residence Country: Canada, Final Destination: Sheriton (Chariton), IA. Minnie Swanson, female, married, Scandinavian, 37, Birthdate: 1880, Birth Country: USA, Last Permanent Address: Erskine, Alberta, Arrival Date: Nov 1917, Port of Arrival: Portal, North Dakota, Residence Country: Canada, Final Destination: Sheriton (Chariton), IA. 1920 US Federal Census Andrew and Minnie were living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA with their son Virgil 12, Andrew's birth year is now given as 1870-71, he was a farmer with his home free of mortgage and his naturalization status was Alien (he died before becoming a US citizen again); Minnie's naturalization status is Alien, she was born in Iowa and both her parents are listed as born in Sweden. After Grandpa Virgil Swanson was diagnosed as having cancer, he told mom (Betty Swanson Townsend) that he remembered his father suffering from the same symptoms that he was feeling. Andrew's obituary would seem to indicate that Virgil was right and that the two may have died from the same form of cancer. Also note in Andrew's obituary the mention of Dr. J.W. Ferm. This is Julius Wilhelm Ferm, who is a cousin on Virgil's mothers' side of the family. Iowa, US, Wills and Probate Records, 1758-1997 Lucas County, Will Records, Vol 5-6, 1911-1944 Last Will and Testament of Andrew K. Swanson I, Andrew K. Swanson, of the County of Lucas, and State of Iowa, being of sound and disposing mind, do make, publish, and declare this to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking all wills by me at any time heretofore made; Item, I: I direct that my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid out of my estate. Item, II: All the rest residue and remainder of my estate, real, personal, and mixed, of which I may die seized or possessed, or to which I may be entitled, I will devise and bequeath as follows: 1. To my beloved wife, Minnie O. Swanson, and to my beloved son Virgil C. Swanson all of my estate real, personal and mixed, share and share alike, absolutely to do and dispose of as they may deem fit. Item, III: I hereby appoint my beloved wife Minnie O. Swanson, of Lucas County, Iowa executrix of this my last will and testament, hereby exonerating her from giving bonds for the faithful discharge of her duties as such executrix. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 28th Day of December, 1922 Signed: Andrew K. Swanson, Witnesses: F. M. Brenaman, S. A. Sandahl On this 28th Day of December, 1922, the foregoing instrument was in our presence signed and executed by Andrew K. Swanson, and by him declared to us to be his last will and testament, and at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other we have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto. F. M. Brenaman of Chariton, Iowa S. A. Sandahl of Chariton, Iowa PROOF OF WILL STATE OF IOWA, Lucas County, ss I, J. L. Hendrickson, Clerk of the District Court in and for Lucas County, do hereby certify that on this day the Will and Instrument in writing hereunto annexed and bearing date of 28th day of December was duly proved before and allowed by said Court as and for the last Will and Testament of the real and personal estate of Andrew K. Swanson, late of said County, deceased, and was by the said Court ordered to be recorded as such Will and Testament. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court at my office, in Chariton, in said County, this 14th day of February, 1923. J. L. Henrickson, Clerk Illinois, Deaths, and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947 Andrew K. Swanson, Birthdate: 28 Jan 1870, Birthplace: Sweden, Death Date: 8 Jan 1923, Death Place: Chicago, Cook, IL, Burial Date: 9 Jan 1923, Burial Place: Chariton, Iowa, Death Age: 52, Occupation: farmer, Race: white, Marital Status: married, Gender: male, Father Name: Nels Swenson, Father Birthplace: Sweden, Mother Birthplace: Sweden, Spouse Name: Minnie Slattengren. Cook County, Illinois Death Index, 1908-1988 Andrew K. Swanson, Death Date: 8 Jan 1923, Death Place: Cook, Illinois, USA Iowa, US, Wills and Probate Records, 1758-1997 Lucas County, Bonds, Vol. 9-1, 1918-1924 OATH State of Iowa, Lucas County, ss I, Minnie O. Swanson do solemnly swear that I will well and truly administer all and singular the goods, chattels, rights, credits, and effects of Andrew K. Swanson deceased, and pay all just claims and charges against his Estate, so far as the assets shall extend, and that I will perform all other acts now or hereafter required by law, to the best of my knowledge and ability. Signed: Minnie O. Swanson Subscribed and sworn to before me, by Minnie O. Swanson this 14th day of February, A.D. 1923 J. L. Hendrickson, Clerk of the District Court LETTERS State of Iowa, Lucas County, ss In Probate TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETINGS: KNOW YE, That, whereas, Andrew K. Swanson late of said County, died on or about the 9th day of January 1923 leaving a last Will and Testament, in which he nominated Minnie O. Swanson of said County, Executrix of the same; and the said last Will and Testament, after due notice, having been duly admitted to probate, in and by the District Court, in and for Lucas County, on the 14th day of February 1923 and the said Minnie Swanson being then appointed and confirmed as such Executrix and having this day fully complied with the law and the orders of this Court in relation to giving bond and taking the prescribed oath; THEREFORE, the said Minnie O. Swanson is by these Letters Commissioned and Empowered to execute the said Last Will and Testament, in compliance with its provisions, and according to law and the orders of this Court, and given full power to secure and collect all the property and assets referred to in said Will, or belonging to the estate of said decedent, wherever they may be found in this State, and in general to do and perform all acts now or hereafter required of her under the Will, and the law and the orders of this Court. WITNESS my hand with Seal of the District Court affixed, this 14 day of February, A.D. 1923 J. L. Hendrickson, Clerk District Court ORDER FOR NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT STATE OF IOWA, Lucas County, ss Upon consideration hereof, it is hereby ordered and directed by the District Court of said County, that the within named Minnie O. Swanson give notice of her appointment as Executrix of the Estate of Andrew K. Swanson deceased (the next line was crossed off) ... a newspaper published at (nothing filled in) of (nothing filled in) by posting notices thereof in 3 places within Lucas County, Iowa. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of this Court to be affixed at Chariton, this 14th day of February, A.D. 1924 {the actual document does clearly show 24 for year written in.} J. L. Hendrickson Clerk District Court Andrew Swanson's Obituary: "With deep regret we note the passing away of Mr. Andrew K. Swanson of Lincoln township, which occurred at the Augustana Hospital in Chicago on Monday evening at 10:45 o'clock, at the age of 52 years, (blurred) months and 11 days. He had been in ill health for some time, suffering from stomach trouble and last Thursday was taken to the hospital in Chicago where he underwent an operation on Monday morning. His wife was at his bedside at the time, and with her cousin, Dr. J.W. Ferm, of Chicago, accompanied the remains to Chariton Wednesday morning. After a brief service at the family home three miles northeast of Chariton a service will be held at the Christian church in Chariton on Friday at 2:00 P.M., conducted by a former pastor, Rev. E.A. McKim of Red Oak, and assisted by the local pastor Rev. J.D. Pontius. Andrew K. Swanson was born in Sweden on 28 Jan 1870 and came to America on 1 Apr 1899, locating in Chariton, Iowa. He was married here on 2 Jul 1903 to Miss Minnie Slattengren, who with one son, Virgil, survives him. They reside near this city until 1907, when they moved to Canada, living there until Apr 1917, when they returned to Chariton and have since resided on the farm east of this place. Besides the wife and son he is survived by one brother, Albert, of Daggett, Michigan, and two sister in Sweden. An uncle Andrew G. Johnson, of Chariton, is also living. Mr. Swanson was an honest, upright citizen, highly regarded by all who knew him, and his death is deplored by all. The sympathy of the entire community will be extended to the bereaved ones." From the Chariton Patriot, 5-7-1925 Edition: "TWICE AN AMERICAN CITIZEN Mrs. Minnie Swanson, Naturalized Recently, Born in Lucas County Last week this paper erred in a statement which we are glad to straighten out in the current issue. In the report of the examination of several applicants who sought to become American citizens, and the report of the seven who were successful, we stated that Mrs. Minnie O. Swanson's birthplace was Sweden. Mrs. Swanson informs us that she was born two miles north of Chariton, and not in Sweden as reported. Mrs. Swanson's husband, now deceased, was born in Sweden and came to America where he became an American citizen. Later Mr. and Mrs. Swanson moved to Canada and lived there eleven years. While there Mr. Swanson took out the papers which made him a Canadian. Later the family returned to the United States to reside. Mrs. Swanson is the mother of Virgil Swanson, who will graduate from the Chariton high school this month. The son was born here, as was his mother, but his status as a citizen would automatically change from American to British upon his attaining his majority unless the mother again became a citizen of this country, in the manner prescribed for those who have lived as citizens in other lands." 1925 Iowa State Census Minnie was living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA with her son Virgil 17. She is widowed, her father is given as John Slattengren born in Sweden, her mother as Matilda Sandahl born in Sweden and it was given that they were married in Iowa. 1930 US Federal Census Minnie was living in Lincoln, Lucas, IA with her son Virgil 23, daughter-in-law Mildred 23 and grandson Richard infant; she was age 49, a widow who first married at age 23, she could read and write, and her parents were both born in Sweden. 1940 US Federal Census Minnie was living in Chariton, Lucas, IA (East Roland & 7ths St.) on her own, she is age 59, she rented her home for $1.50 a month, the highest grade in school she had completed was 8th grade, she did not work in 1939, but did have other sources of income. 1950 US Federal Census Minnie was living in Chariton, Lucas, IA (North Seventh) on her own, she was age 69, she was a widow whose occupation was keeping house. Letter written by Minnie Swanson to her son Virgil and his family on 8 Jan 1959 (in the corner of the letter near the date she had written "It is 36 years ago tonite since Dad left us". "Dear Ones, I will try and write a few lines this morning it was cloudy but now the sun came out it is 20 aboe so is warmer the ice cicles are coming down on the south side hope we won't have it so cold any more my right pipe in sink froze up down in the joing it didn't take so long for the plumber to get it loose it hasn't done it since 1951 Mrs Meadow hers was worse as when the toilet box freeze Mine was all OK. Well Christmas and New Year is over and I had a nice one was to Martha was 11 their and 6 kids went to 11 o'clock service and they took me home and I was glad to get their as Mariam kids are so lively with Jeff the new baby 6 weeks old adopted slept thru it all they call her Juli. I slept until late had Breakfast and went to bed again slept until 3 when Meadow [Lucil] came over with Thurkey and everything listened to radio Anna gave me 1lb coffee frozen beans and ground meat carrots potatoes, turnips, rye break Martha 1lb coffee 5bl sugar, Rushs, so I had enough. Sandahls money $11 Louise $10 Jul $5 Nell $3 stamps with all the nuts I am making cookies with. so I am getting along fine I got 10lb flour 4lb butter 2lb cheese from welfare I gave Rich some he was down the 3 he gave me $20 on insurance he came for supper and went back I didn't get to visit long enough as he had the car running it was so cold glad he got to be home it was nice for Ricky he had just got the mail so opened a B card from Ethel and letter. just said (I wish she would make up her mind) he said he might goup her (sermester) he didn't know I forgot Mearl crowl gave me a light blue sweater. I am sending you this check back for your B day as I have all I need and am to get the clock wth (Regal Stamps) so thanks the same the gown you sent me last year I just put it on last week, and the house coat when it has been so cold I sleep in my old house coat when it gets down to zero it is not so bad. I stayed home Sunday as it was so cold only 1 in my class it was 99 their. did you have it so cold you didn't have ___________. Next sunday eve we have our pot luck supper so hope it will be nicer. Yesterday Beulah aid met here in town Lester Gooken took Mrs. Shore and I we are the oldest both crippled up with Arthritis. we was 10 their. Does Ricky know how to ride his bicycle. Mary Ruth got one and Harold Tracy was running by her to hold her up Sunday afternoon as cold as it was and slick and snow. I didn't see her go down the hill kids had coasted but he was helping her to get up was any of the snap shots Rich took any good of the wedding he said he left the film with you. Send them to me I will fix some. I got a letter from Betty she was happy to have a vacation I suppose Roger will soon be leaving it sure will be lonesome for you all. and at church. I am sending this label card if you want to send it I have plenty yet hope you are all well. My eyes are not so good to much writing I have 3 canada I got to write to Vella I got a box of note paper is Ronald in college. love Mother God bless you." {Minnie's letter has very little punctuation or capitalization in it, and it is therefore hard to tell in some cases where one sentence end, and another starts. Also, at times it appears that her train of thought would jump to a new subject before she had finished writing about the previous one.} Minnie Swanson Obituary: "Minnie Othila Slattengren Swanson was born on a farm east of Chariton, August 22, 1880, and passed away at the Memorial Hospital on Feb. 1, 1963, at the age of 82 years, 5 months, and 10 days. Minnie, who was one of five children, was united in marriage to Andrew K. Swanson on July 2, 1903. To this union was born one son, Virgil of Bloomington, Minn. In 1907 they moved to Alberta, Canada, where she and her husband lived on a farm. In 1917 they returned to Iowa and purchased the Slattengren farm, as both parents had already passed on. In 1923 her husband died. She and her son remained on the farm until some later time when she moved to her home on East Roland. In July of 1960, she was stricken with a stroke, and since that time has been cared for by Mrs. Cynthia Abrahamson. An understanding grew between these two that became as lasting as Heaven can make it. At an early age she was confirmed in the Lutheran church and on moving to Canada, she and her husband became members of the Lutheran church in Steller, Alberta. On returning to Chariton, they became members of the Christian church, where she remained a faithful member until her death. She was preceded in death by her husband, a sister Avada, and a brother Albert. Surviving are a brother Harry of Alameda, Calif., a sister Nellie Hogan of El Cerito, Calif., one son Virgil and his wife, six grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. She was everyone's friend. She never refused a helping hand to anyone in need. She gave of her means to her church, her family, and those in need. Her church organization and Sunday school class became her family in the absence of her own. Her faith was real and her confidence in her Savior was just as firm. Services were held Monday, Feb. 4, 1963 at eh Miley Chapel. The Rev. Gordon Katsion officiated with internment in the Chariton cemetery."

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