
in memory of

James Thomas Franks

Apr 27, 1947 - Jan 04, 2022 Age: 74

James Franks
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About James Franks

Mr. James Thomas Franks, better known as Tommy, age 74, of Brilliant passed away on Tuesday, January 4, 2022, at his residence. Mr. Franks was born in Brilliant, AL on April 27, 1947 to James and Mary June Franks. Tommy attended the Brilliant United Methodist Church. He was 1966 graduate of Brilliant High School, he later attended and played football at Florence State University. Mr. Franks was recently inducted into the Marion County Sports Hall of Fam. Tommy was a big fan of Alabama Football and he loved to play golf. Mr. Franks is survived by his wife of 30 years Debbie Franks, stepson, Richard Thigpen (Kathryn), grandchildren, Mary Elizabeth, and Anna Grace Thigpen, aunt, Betty Millican Ferguson of Mountain Brook, and cousins, Amy Ferguson Cashio (Richard), Cindy Ferguson Rhoden (Ken), Jan Franks (Gracie), Gregg Franks (Lisa), and Perry Franks (Angie), and many other family members and friends. Mr. Franks was preceded in death by his parents, James Luther Franks and Mary June Millican Franks, and two cousins, Susan Ferguson, and Ed Franks. Funeral services for Mr. Franks will be held on Friday, January 7, 2022, at 1:00 p.m. from the Bowen Funeral Home Chapel with burial to follow in the Brilliant Memorial Gardens. Visitation for Mr. Franks will be held from 12:00 noon until 1:00 p.m. service time at the funeral home. Bowen Funeral Home of Winfield serving the Franks family.

Brilliant Memorial Cemetery

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Place of Passing: Marion County
Place of Birth: United States of America

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United States of America


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Marion County


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