
Raj Kapoor Obituary and Memorial

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Passed away Loni Kalbhor, MH in 1988 at the age of 63

Managed by: Dhruv Patel


Raj Kapoor
Raj Kapoor
Raj Kapoor
Raj Kapoor
Raj Kapoor
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Raj Kapoor's Obituary

Raj Kapoor was born as Shrishti Nath Kapoor on 14 December 1924 at Kapoor Haveli, a large house then owned by his grandfather in the Qissa Khwani Bazaar neighborhood of PeshawarBritish India into a Punjabi Hindu family[17] of the Kapoor clan, who belonged to the Dhai Ghar Khatri community. He had an Arya Samaji upbringing.[18] His parents were Prithviraj Kapoor and Ramsarni Devi Kapoor (née Mehra). The Kapoor family hailed originally from SamundriSamundri TehsilLyallpur DistrictPunjab Province, British India.[19] He was the eldest of six children in the family.[20][21] He was the grandson of Dewan Basheshwarnath Kapoor, great-grandson of Dewan Keshavmal Kapoor, and great-great-grandson of Dewan Murli Mal Kapoor, and was part of the famous Kapoor family. His brothers were the late actors Shammi Kapoor and Shashi Kapoor. He also had a sister named Urmila Sial. Two other siblings died in infancy. Kapoor's family later on moved from Peshawar to Bombay for residence and for education.

Raj Kapoor suffered from asthma in his later years; he died of complications related to the disease in 1988 at the age of 63. He collapsed at the event where he was to receive the Dadasaheb Phalke Award in New Delhi, and was taken to the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi for treatment. He was hospitalised for about a month before he succumbed to complications arising from his asthma.[90] At the time of his death, he was working on the movie Henna (an Indo-Pakistan based love story). The film was later completed by his sons Randhir Kapoor and Rishi Kapoor and was released in 1991.

Raj Kapoor's Final Resting Place

MIT Art, Design & Technology University, Loni Kalbhor, Maharashtra, India

Open Map

Date of Birth: Dec 14, 1924

Date of Passing: Jun 02, 1988

Cause of Death: Natural causes

Also Known as: Ranbir Raj Kapoor

Professions: Actor director producer editor

Schools Attended: Campion School

Place of Birth: Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Faith: Hindu

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Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan


Passed away


New Delhi, Delhi, India


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