
Mary Elizabeth Sentell Obituary and Memorial

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Passed away Shelby, North Carolina in 2024 at the age of 88


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Mary Sentell's Obituary

Mary Elizabeth Curtis Sentell, aged 88, passed away on June 26, 2024, at Peak Resources in Shelby, NC. Born on November 5, 1935, in Cleveland County, she was the daughter of the late Joseph Thomas Curtis and Rosalee Panther Curtis. Mary was a beacon of simplicity and joy, cherishing the small pleasures of life. She cherished time spent with her family and took great pride in cooking for them. Mary's intelligence shone through her love for crossword puzzles and word searches, and her creative spirit was expressed in her poetry. She had an enduring love for music and dancing, embracing every opportunity to dance her heart out. Mary was a devout Christian and found great happiness and strength in her faith. 
Mary was predeceased by her devoted husband of 58 "Golden" years, Ryan Sentell, and their beloved sons, Ricky, Joey, Willie, and Timmy "Bo" Sentell. Her life was also marked by the loss of her three brothers, Charles, Don, and Frank Curtis, and by her two sisters, Becky
Dover, and Kay Sparks. She was also preceded in death by her great-grandsons, Jonathan and Isaac Bracebridge.
Mary leaves behind a loving family, including her sisters Diane Newton and Debbie Ledford (Randy), sisters-in-law Roxanna and Kathy Curtis, her son's spouses, and her cherished 10 grandchildren and 22 great-grandchildren, and many beloved nieces and nephews.
Services to honor Mary's life will be held on Monday, July 01, 2024, at 2:00 PM in the chapel of Cecil M. Burton Funeral Home in Shelby, NC, with Dr. Rick Hamrick officiating. Friends and family are invited to gather one hour prior to the service. Burial will follow at Cleveland Memorial Park Cemetery.
Mary's life was a testament to the joy of family connections and the enduring spirit of love. She will be remembered by all who knew her.

Mary Sentell's Final Resting Place

Cleveland Memorial Park

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Date of Birth: Nov 05, 1935

Date of Passing: Jun 26, 2024

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Cleveland County


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