
Jaime Aguayo Obituary and Memorial

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Passed away in 2024 at the age of 46

Managed by: Thania Guardino


Jaime Aguayo
Jaime Aguayo
Jaime Aguayo
Jaime Aguayo
Jaime Aguayo
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Jaime Aguayo's Obituary

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Jaime “Jimmy” Amando Aguayo, born November 10, 1978, in Los Angeles, California. Jimmy left this world on November 30, 2024, after a courageous battle with diabetes, addiction, and heart issues. He was 46 years old.

Jimmy leaves behind his beloved son, Angel Aguayo, who was his pride and joy. He is also survived by his devoted mother, Thania, and his loving sister, Tatis, along with a large extended family who cherished him dearly: his aunt Connie Puche, cousins Jackie, Natalie, Jessica, and Carlos Puche, and his faithful dog, Daisy.

Jimmy grew up in Los Angeles, where he discovered his passion for music. A talented rapper, producer, and musician, he dreamed of sharing his gift with the world. Though life threw many obstacles in his path, his love for music remained a constant source of joy and self-expression. Known for his sense of humor and playful nature, Jimmy could light up any room with his jokes and his goofy charm. While he was mischievous, he loved deeply, gave generously, and valued family above all else.

Jimmy was a fearless yet kind, sensitive soul who treated everyone with dignity and respect. He was known for his thoughtfulness—always remembering the little things that mattered to others—and for his intelligence and talent. His ability to rap fluently in two languages was a testament to his creativity and sharp mind. He had a special bond with his mother, often surprising her with gifts, and held a deep love for his grandmother that was unwavering.

While Jimmy’s life was marked by challenges, his legacy is one of love, kindness, and untapped potential. He will be remembered as a remarkable human being who fought valiantly but whose journey was cut too short. Jimmy’s soul, his laughter, and his caring heart will remain with us forever.

A service to honor Jimmy’s life will be announced in the coming days.

In lieu of flowers, the family has established a fund to assist with funeral costs and to create a legacy fund for his son, Angel. Contributions can be made to https://gofund.me/6b7b642a

Rest in peace, our little Cantinflas.

You were deeply loved and will be missed beyond measure.

Jaime Aguayo's Final Resting Place

To be announced Los Angeles, California

Date of Birth: Nov 10, 1978

Date of Passing: Nov 30, 2024

Cause of Death: Congestive Heart Failure

Also Known as: Jimmy

Place of Birth: Torrance, CA, USA

Faith: Christian

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Thania Guardino

Thania Guardino

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Torrance, CA, USA


Passed away


Las Vegas, NV, USA


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