
Emma Virginia Pickett Obituary and Memorial

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Passed away Odessa, Delaware in 2024 at the age of 99


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Emma Pickett's Obituary

Emma Virginia " Ginny " Stout Pickett passed away at the age of " 99 years and 12 days " in the Cadia Home, Middletown, Delaware.
 " Ginny " attended Lambertville 3rd Ward School on the corner of Perry and Main Street through the 8th grade ( This building is now a Senior Citizen Center ~ 1994 ).   She then attended Lambertville High School on the hill through 11th grade.   She started working at the Hosiery Mill on Cherry Street during the summer after she completed 11th grade and never went back to finish 12th grade.   She did so to help her parents during the World War II years.
She married "John Earnest Pickett, Jr. on August 24, 1946 in St. Anne's Episcopal Church in Lambertville.   He was born the son of John Earnest, Sr. and Winifred Ann
Pickett on April 21, 1924 on Mechanic Street, New Hope, Pennsylvania.
After her marriage to John they moved to Lancaster, Pennsylvania due to John attending Millersville State Teachers College in Millersville, Pennsylvania.   Their first son John, III was born while they were in Lancaster.
 After John's graduation from college they then moved to High Street in Odessa, Delaware due to John obtaining a job as a teacher in Warner Junior High School in Wilmington, Delaware.
Later they moved into a home, that for the most part, was built by John on Cantwell Avenue, also in Odessa, Delaware.
While her children were of pre-school age she spent time home raising them.   She also worked at multiple jobs spending the most time waitressing at the " Old Anchor Inn " that was owned by neighbor " Gene Fretz " and as a dress sales person in Patricia Hawkin's Dress Shop in Mt. Pleasant, Delaware.   Together they had two children.
She was a member of the " Odessa Women's Club " for many years.
Mom of John Ernest Pickett, III and his wife Tammy, and Russell Stout Pickett and his wife Karen. Grandmother of Christopher Scott Pickett ( predeceased ), Ryan Mark Pickett, Kayla Grace Pickett, Kara Virginia Pickett, John Jacob Pickett and Kimberly. Great-Grandmother of Landon, Kenzie, Trenton, Jude, Emma, Ava, Cora, and Lincoln .....

Emma Pickett's Final Resting Place

Old Drawyers Church Cemetery

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Date of Birth: Jul 25, 1925

Date of Passing: Aug 06, 2024

Place of Birth: United States of America

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United States of America


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New Castle County


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