
Cuthbert Ulemukupa Chalila Obituary and Memorial

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Passed away in 2024 at the age of 59

Managed by: Kaitlyn Williams


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Cuthbert Chalila's Obituary

Cuthbert Ulemukupa Chalila, 59, of Bangor, Maine, died Friday, August 16th 2024, in Old Town. 


He was born on July 7th 1965, to Irenao and Queen Chalila in Malawi, Africa. At the age of 8, Ulemu moved to Dexter and then to Bangor, Maine with his father, step mother, Mary-Ann Chalila, and his siblings. He flourished in American culture excelling at all things related to bikes, roller skating, and soccer.


Ulemu attended Bangor High School where he was a member of the soccer team, and graduated in 1984. After graduation, he went directly into the workforce. He worked many years for his brother Kondwa at Comfort Zone furniture. He also worked as a cook for many years both in Greenville South Carolina and in Bangor including The Oriental Jade, Captain Nicks, Governor’s, Ground Round, Reno’s(Caribou) and Dysarts in Bangor until 2021 when he was forced to get done due to illness.


Ulemu married Lori Burns (Goding) on February 2, 2002. They had 3 children, Kyle Goding, Kaitlyn Williams (Wells) and Keenen Chalila. After their divorce Ulemu and Lori always kept in contact and continued to have a close friendship. 


Ulemu took the most pride in his children and always supported their every endeavor. He beamed with excitement when he learned he would become a grandfather and spent his days cherishing the relationship with his grandchildren.  


He enjoyed camping, kayaking, hanging out lakeside, spending time with his family and friends and riding his motorcycles. 


Ulemu is survived by his children Keenen Chalila of Bangor, Kaitlyn Williams and her husband Robert of Standish, Sister Bridgette Chalila and her husband Robert Spreng of Bangor, Awa Conteh of Bangor, grandchildren Emersyn Williams, Lori-Jo Goding and Kyle Goding II all of Standish, Nephew Zachary Spreng of Bangor, Nieces Rachel Chalila of Hermon and Gabrielle Spreng of Bangor, great niece Ellie Libby of Hermon, Special lifelong friends Pierre Goulette of SC, Paul Campbell of Howland, Mark and Martha Greenleaf of Bangor, Jamie Mogan of Standish and Mike Barker of Bangor, along with many, many other friends and family. 


He was predeceased by his parents Irenao Roland and Mary-Ann Chalila, brother Kondwa Chalila, Grandparents Robert and Francis Higgley, son Kyle Goding and his nephew Andrew Chalila that he had an incredible bond with.


A celebration of life will be held with close friends and family at a later date. 


In lieu of flowers, memorials or donations may be made to Keenen Chalila and/or Kaitlyn Williams,10 Pinegrove Drive Standish Maine 04084, and will be used to provide services and arrangements for Dad. 

Cuthbert Chalila's Final Resting Place

Date of Birth: Jul 07, 1965

Date of Passing: Aug 16, 2024

Also Known as: Ulemu

Place of Birth: Malawi, Africa

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Kaitlyn  Williams

Kaitlyn Williams

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Malawi, Africa


Passed away


Old Town, Maine


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