
Alex Joseph Lee Obituary and Memorial

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Passed away Anderson, South Carolina in 2024 at the age of 19


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Alex Lee's Obituary

Alex Joseph Lee
September 22, 2004- July 5, 2024
Anderson, South Carolina
Alex Joseph Lee, 19 born in Greenville, South Carolina on September 22, 2004, and depart this life July 5,2024 in Belton, South Carolina.
A 2023 graduate, he was raised in Anderson, South Carolina and attended Westside High School. 
Alex is survived by his parents, Derrick and Aliza Martinez Lee, his brother Landon Lee, sister Destiny Boles, grandparents, Mr. Willis and Belinda Lee, grandmother, Ms. Susan D. Martinez, uncles and aunts, Mr. Johnathan and Randi Lee, Mr. Cedric and Letia Johnson, Mario A. Martinez, Manuel J. Martinez, and a host of cousins and friends.
Preceded in death by his sister Amber L. McGinnis and Grandfather, Mr. Henry R. Marinez, Mr. Jerry Clark, Great-Grandparents, Mr. Willie Aaron and Prince Ola Lee, Mr. John and Irene Hunter, Mr. Abraham and Ofelia Martinez, and Mr. Joseph and Dora Gonzales.
Alex embraced life with zest, never a stranger to anyone and the ultimate best friend. He cherished his role as a big brother to Landon and held a deep love for his family. As a young boy he loved baseball and ran track in high school. His passions included dancing, socializing with friends, a keeping up with the latest Beyoncé or Nicki Minaj albums. An avid shopper, he always sought the newest athletic shoes and iPhones. He always liked to make fashion statements and his favorite color was pink. In today's Generation Z, he'd be considered "extra," a quality that sometimes drove us a little crazy, but it's what endeared him to us, and we'll miss him dearly.
A public viewing will be at Unity Mortuary, 401 S Fant St, Anderson, SC 29624 on July 11, 2024, from 1pm -8 pm. The Homegoing services will be held at Generostee Baptist Church, 806 Generostee Church Rd. Starr, SC on July 12, 2024, at 1:00 pm.
Final Resting Place Forest Lawn Cemetery 2609 HWY 29 N Anderson, SC 29621.
The Unity Mortuary of Anderson
401 South Fant Street
Anderson, South Carolina 29624

Alex Lee's Final Resting Place

Forest Lawn Memorial Park

Open Map

Date of Birth: Sep 22, 2004

Date of Passing: Jul 06, 2024

Place of Birth: United States of America

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United States of America


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Anderson County


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